
About sehenundmachen

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So far sehenundmachen has created 36 blog entries.

Thieme I care – new medical book for nurses

I wrote the chapter 38 about nutritional management.
ISBN 978-3-13-165651-3

April 20th, 2015|

Einladung zu unserem Frühstücks-Symposium am 26.03.2015 im Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten/München

für alle aus der Pharma- und Lebensmittelbranche, die an einem lebensmittelrechtlichen und ernährungswissenschaftlichen update interessiert sind (Einladung 26-03-2015).

February 18th, 2015|

Publication of regulation (EU) 1135/2014 “folate for women wishing pregnancy” (28.10.2014)

Up to now it is allowed to use the following health claim for food supplements:
“Supplemental folic acid intake increases maternal folate status. Low maternal folate status is a risk factor in the development of neural tube defects in the developing foetus.”
The claim may be used only for food supplements which provide at least 400 μg […]

October 28th, 2014|

Publication about food supplements

In August 2014, in a German Journal for medical doctors, a publication about food supplements has been published. Look at it (NEM-2014) and find my opinion when to supplement vitamins and minerals.

August 26th, 2014|

4 Health Claims rejected

Middle of july 2014, EFSA rejected four health claims (art. 13.5). They concluded that a cause and effect relationship has not been established between the consumption of a combination of lutein and zeaxanthin and improved vision under bright light conditions, regarding a special amino-acid combination, between the consumption of Bimuno® GOS and reducing gastro-intestinal discomfort […]

July 22nd, 2014|

Health Claims rejected

New EU regulation EU 155/2014 (19th of february 2014) contains rejected health claims according to krill oil and joints, vitis vinifera and venous blood circulation/swollen legs/diuresis.

February 21st, 2014|

EFSA approves health claims

EFSA approved infants health claims concerning iodine, iron and vitamin C as well as a claim for fructooligosaccharides (FOS) from inulin and a reduction of post-prandial glycaemic responses (january 2014). For further information visit the EFSA Homepage:

February 4th, 2014|

Expert opinion – a combination of (con-)science

There have been news about the calculation of fees for the juridical order and about the obligations of experts during the annual conference for experts at 30th of November 2013. Engaging an expert, you can be sure that (s)he combines science with conscience. This is also very important for scientific documents about the demarcation of […]

December 2nd, 2013|

New Art. 14 claims authorised

End of july 2013, EFSA authorised new health claims regarding

  • the maternal intake of folate and reducing the risks of neural tube defect and
    so called childrens claims:
  • concerning magnesium and bone health,
  • iron and brain health and
  • vitamin A […]
July 29th, 2013|

Annual Congress of German Diätverband 2013

Food for special medical purposes as tube feeding and special dietary supplements have been the main topics during the annual congress of the German „Diätverband“(28th of June 2013 in Berlin). Well-known experts were speaking about the influence of tube and sip feeding treating and preventing the malnutrition, proven by medical and economic facts.

In future, for […]

July 2nd, 2013|